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Deep Overwhelm Calls for Deep Health, Recovery and Resilience

When I work with clients, we don't just focus on one small aspect of their health or careers - we take a broader deep health approach.

Deep health is the idea that one domain in your life is highly connected to the other domains.

For example, when you have stress at work, it will highly effect your ability to improve your health and nutrition, or your relationships outside of work.

When we have some degree of deep health, we’re able to grow, adapt, evolve, and potentially even excel as human beings. At the very least, we have a “life-forward direction” that gives us a sense of vitality and purpose, rather than feeling like we're in constant survival mode.

When we act fully from a place of deep health, it can feel as though our essential needs are being met, which allows us to be our truest self.

This means having a sense of:

  • general satisfaction with ourself and our life (even it it’s not "perfect");

  • being and having “enough” (which makes it fun and interesting to strive for more); and

  • abundance and wealth (not necessarily the financial kind), rather than scarcity.

The different domains of deep health, as they relate to technical professionals, include:

1. Physical health,

2. Mental health,

3. Emotional health,

4. Relationship health,

5. Spiritual health,

6. Environmental health (what's surrounding you),

7. Career health, and,

8. Financial health.

Each of the areas of deep health work together.

They are intertwined and strongly connected. Often, it’s hard to completely separate them.

For instance…

  • If we work at a job that has us frequently in the field for long periods of time, it might be difficult to have high-quality whole foods (a social-environmental factor)...

  • the late hours, road trips, and higher stress may make it more likely we'll eat more processed foods (a psychological factor); which in turn

  • affects our intestinal microbiome and our overall health (biological factors).

Over time, our health could get worse — but what, exactly, was the root cause? Each of the factors contributed in equally meaningful ways.

Here’s another example…

  • If we correct a nutritional deficiency that improves the communication between brain cells (a biological factor)...

  • we might feel much happier and more energetic (an emotional factor); and

  • join a regular exercise class where we build a community (social and environmental factors) that...

  • continues to help us feel good (an emotional factor again) and gives us a sense of purpose (an existential factor); and

  • stick to our workout habits (a biological factor).

In this scenario, our overall health will get better — but again, what was the root cause?

I help clients investigate these relationships and come up with a plan to build skills and practice-based habits to build your deep health to a level where you're thriving, feeling rested, grounded and in control.

When you're ready to talk, book a call or send me an email at

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